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In 1965, a young man named Bob Borgatti, Sr. made the decision to purchase Vienna Rexall Drug Center. Unsure at the time whether it would be a successful business venture and with a young family to raise “Dr. Bob”, as he came to be known throughout the Vienna community, poured his heart and soul into making the pharmacy successful. His hard work and determination led to a successful 55-year (and counting) history of serving the Vienna community.

On January 30, 2016 Dr. Bob passed leaving behind a legacy of a community pharmacy which has served its residents through multiple generations and is based on old-fashioned family values. The store continues under the leadership of his son, Robert Borgatti, Jr. In fact, three generations of Borgattis have worked at the store. 55-years is a long time to keep a business and the store credits its success to the basic beliefs of Dr. Bob “Be a nice guy, being helpful, trying to see other people’s viewpoint and helping them out whenever possible, those are the things we believe in.” said Bob Borgatti, Sr. Current Owner, Bob, Jr. agrees with this philosophy and feels the store continues to offer customers something the big chains do not. “One of our strong points is that we listen to people,” said Bob Borgatti, Jr. “We take the time to talk to our customers and they like talking to us, too. I think we provide the customer a service that people are looking for and we provide things that other stores don’t want to carry, little odds and ends,” said Bob Borgatti, Jr. “We’re what you expect a drugstore to be.”

Today, the store continues to operate under the original values of Dr. Bob but are expanding into new areas in order to keep up with the needs of today’s customers. With healthcare moving towards a more integrated and health conscious philosophy, the store now offers a Medication Therapy Management program to help its customers understand what medications they are on, how to take them appropriately, and ensure there no drug interactions. For customers who are on maintenance medications (i.e. high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc.) the store now offers the SyncRx program – they will SYNC all of your medications to one date so you can pick up your monthly medications at one time. Understanding the importance of the mind body connection in helping a customer heal and in keeping true to Dr. Bob’s philosophy of understanding the importance of offering all that medicine has to offer, the store has brought in new products such as CBD oil to help its customers manage their symptoms without the use of traditional medicine. “We feel it’s important that we offer our customers a variety of medical options to treat their ailments – we understand medicine is not a one size fits all solution” said Jeff Kircher, RPh, Pharmacy Manager. “Our job as pharmacists is to help you as our customer, it’s why we went into pharmacy.” The store also offers customized medications via compounding, the art of putting medications into creams, capsules, suspensions, etc. for patients who can’t take medication in the traditional pill form.

From its inception in 1965, the store has retained its family-owned status, and continues to strive to be the pharmacy of choice for Vienna by offering quality and affordable health care services in a welcoming and family-oriented environment. We welcome you to our family and our honored to be able to provide your family with the healthcare options it deserves.